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Role & Initiative
Role & Initiative

Our primary goal is to promote industries and to ensure that government and society as a whole, understand both the needs of industry and its contribution to the nation's well-being.

For this, we work

  • To identify and strengthen industry's role in the economic development of the country.
  • To act as a catalyst in bringing about the growth and development of Indian Industry.
  • To reinforce industry's commitment to society.
  • To create awareness and support industry's efforts on quality, environment and consumer protection.
  • To identify and address the special needs of the small sector.
  • To promote cooperation with counterpart organisations.
  • To work towards the globalisation of Indian industry and integration into the world economy.

This is done by adopting a proactive and partnership approach with the government on various national and international issues concerning the Indian economy It closely interacts on policy issues at both the central and state levels. Extensive dialogue and interaction with members and all sections of the community, and build consensus.

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Photos of Summit

H.E. Khun Korn Dabbaransi, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand  inaugurated the lamp at the 10th International Achievers Summit- Bangkok, (Thailand)

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    Award Categories

    Promotes and encourages commendable achievements from all over the country. The Forum regularly organises national and international level seminars with the help of its members to promote socially responsible business practice and sustainable development in economic as well as social front in India.

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